Substitution format string (proto)


[config.core.v3.JsonFormatOptions proto]

Optional configuration options to be used with json_format.

  "sort_properties": ...

(bool) The output JSON string properties will be sorted.


As the properties are always sorted, this option has no effect and is deprecated.


[config.core.v3.SubstitutionFormatString proto]

Configuration to use multiple command operators to generate a new string in either plain text or JSON format.

  "text_format": ...,
  "json_format": {...},
  "text_format_source": {...},
  "omit_empty_values": ...,
  "content_type": ...,
  "formatters": [],
  "json_format_options": {...}

(string) Specify a format with command operators to form a text string. Its details is described in format string.

For example, setting text_format like below,

text_format: "%LOCAL_REPLY_BODY%:%RESPONSE_CODE%:path=%REQ(:path)%\n"

generates plain text similar to:

upstream connect error:503:path=/foo

Deprecated in favor of text_format_source. To migrate text format strings, use the inline_string field.

Precisely one of text_format, json_format, text_format_source must be set.


(Struct) Specify a format with command operators to form a JSON string. Its details is described in format dictionary. Values are rendered as strings, numbers, or boolean values as appropriate. Nested JSON objects may be produced by some command operators (e.g. FILTER_STATE or DYNAMIC_METADATA). See the documentation for a specific command operator for details.

  status: "%RESPONSE_CODE%"
  message: "%LOCAL_REPLY_BODY%"

The following JSON object would be created:

  "status": 500,
  "message": "My error message"

Precisely one of text_format, json_format, text_format_source must be set.


(config.core.v3.DataSource) Specify a format with command operators to form a text string. Its details is described in format string.

For example, setting text_format like below,

  inline_string: "%LOCAL_REPLY_BODY%:%RESPONSE_CODE%:path=%REQ(:path)%\n"

generates plain text similar to:

upstream connect error:503:path=/foo

Precisely one of text_format, json_format, text_format_source must be set.


(bool) If set to true, when command operators are evaluated to null,

  • for text_format, the output of the empty operator is changed from - to an empty string, so that empty values are omitted entirely.

  • for json_format the keys with null values are omitted in the output structure.


This option does not work perfectly with json_format as keys with null values will still be included in the output. See for more details.


(string) Specify a content_type field. If this field is not set then text/plain is used for text_format and application/json is used for json_format.

content_type: "text/html; charset=UTF-8"

(repeated config.core.v3.TypedExtensionConfig) Specifies a collection of Formatter plugins that can be called from the access log configuration. See the formatters extensions documentation for details.


This extension category has the following known extensions:


(config.core.v3.JsonFormatOptions) If json_format is used, the options will be applied to the output JSON string.