Extension configuration


[config.core.v3.TypedExtensionConfig proto]

Message type for extension configuration. .

  "name": "...",
  "typed_config": "{...}"
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(string, REQUIRED) The name of an extension. This is not used to select the extension, instead it serves the role of an opaque identifier.


(Any) The typed config for the extension. The type URL will be used to identify the extension. In the case that the type URL is udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct, the inner type URL of TypedStruct will be utilized. See the extension configuration overview for further details.


[config.core.v3.ExtensionConfigSource proto]

Configuration source specifier for a late-bound extension configuration. The parent resource is warmed until all the initial extension configurations are received, unless the flag to apply the default configuration is set. Subsequent extension updates are atomic on a per-worker basis. Once an extension configuration is applied to a request or a connection, it remains constant for the duration of processing. If the initial delivery of the extension configuration fails, due to a timeout for example, the optional default configuration is applied. Without a default configuration, the extension is disabled, until an extension configuration is received. The behavior of a disabled extension depends on the context. For example, a filter chain with a disabled extension filter rejects all incoming streams.

  "config_source": "{...}",
  "default_config": "{...}",
  "apply_default_config_without_warming": "...",
  "type_urls": []
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(Any) Optional default configuration to use as the initial configuration if there is a failure to receive the initial extension configuration or if apply_default_config_without_warming flag is set.


(bool) Use the default config as the initial configuration without warming and waiting for the first discovery response. Requires the default configuration to be supplied.


(string, REQUIRED) A set of permitted extension type URLs. Extension configuration updates are rejected if they do not match any type URL in the set.