File access log¶
This extension may be referenced by the qualified name envoy.access_loggers.file
This extension is intended to be robust against untrusted downstream traffic. It assumes that the upstream is trusted.
[extensions.access_loggers.file.v3.FileAccessLog proto]
Custom configuration for an AccessLog that writes log entries directly to a file. Configures the built-in envoy.access_loggers.file AccessLog.
- path
(string, REQUIRED) A path to a local file to which to write the access log entries.
- format
(string) Access log format string. Envoy supports custom access log formats as well as a default format. This field is deprecated. Please use log_format.
Only one of format, json_format, typed_json_format, log_format may be set.
- json_format
(Struct) Access log format dictionary. All values are rendered as strings. This field is deprecated. Please use log_format.
Only one of format, json_format, typed_json_format, log_format may be set.
- typed_json_format
(Struct) Access log format dictionary. Values are rendered as strings, numbers, or boolean values as appropriate. Nested JSON objects may be produced by some command operators (e.g.FILTER_STATE or DYNAMIC_METADATA). See the documentation for a specific command operator for details. This field is deprecated. Please use log_format.
Only one of format, json_format, typed_json_format, log_format may be set.
- log_format
(config.core.v3.SubstitutionFormatString) Configuration to form access log data and format. If not specified, use default format.
Only one of format, json_format, typed_json_format, log_format may be set.