SkyWalking tracer¶
[config.trace.v3.SkyWalkingConfig proto]
Configuration for the SkyWalking tracer. Please note that if SkyWalking tracer is used as the
provider of http tracer, then
in the router must be set to true to get the correct topology and tracing data. Moreover, SkyWalking
Tracer does not support SkyWalking extension header (sw8-x
) temporarily.
This extension may be referenced by the qualified name envoy.tracers.skywalking
This extension is work-in-progress. Functionality is incomplete and it is not intended for production use.
This extension is intended to be robust against untrusted downstream traffic. It assumes that the upstream is trusted.
- grpc_service
(config.core.v3.GrpcService, REQUIRED) SkyWalking collector service.
- client_config
[config.trace.v3.ClientConfig proto]
Client config for SkyWalking tracer.
- service_name
(string) Service name for SkyWalking tracer. If this field is empty, then local service cluster name that configured by Bootstrap node message’s cluster field or command line option
will be used. If both this field and local service cluster name are empty,EnvoyProxy
is used as the service name by default.
- instance_name
(string) Service instance name for SkyWalking tracer. If this field is empty, then local service node that configured by Bootstrap node message’s id field or command line option
will be used. If both this field and local service node are empty,EnvoyProxy
is used as the instance name by default.
- backend_token
(string) Inline authentication token string.
Authentication token config for SkyWalking. SkyWalking can use token authentication to secure that monitoring application data can be trusted. In current version, Token is considered as a simple string.
- max_cache_size
(UInt32Value) Envoy caches the segment in memory when the SkyWalking backend service is temporarily unavailable. This field specifies the maximum number of segments that can be cached. If not specified, the default is 1024.