[admin.v3.UnreadyTargetsDumps proto]
Dumps of unready targets of envoy init managers. Envoy’s admin fills this message with init managers, which provides the information of their unready targets. The /init_dump will dump all unready targets information.
- unready_targets_dumps
(repeated admin.v3.UnreadyTargetsDumps.UnreadyTargetsDump) You can choose specific component to dump unready targets with mask query parameter. See /init_dump?mask={} for more information. The dumps of unready targets of all init managers.
[admin.v3.UnreadyTargetsDumps.UnreadyTargetsDump proto]
Message of unready targets information of an init manager.
- name
(string) Name of the init manager. Example: “init_manager_xxx”.
- target_names
(repeated string) Names of unready targets of the init manager. Example: “target_xxx”.