.. _install_sandboxes_udp: User Datagram Protocol (``UDP``) ================================ .. sidebar:: Requirements .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup-link.rst :ref:`curl <start_sandboxes_setup_curl>` Used to make ``HTTP`` requests. :ref:`netcat <start_sandboxes_setup_netcat>` Used to send ``UDP`` packets. This sandbox provides a very simple example of Envoy proxying ``UDP``. It also demonstrates ``UDP`` traffic stats provided by the Envoy admin endpoint. Step 1: Build the sandbox ************************* Change directory to ``examples/udp`` in the Envoy repository. Start the Docker composition: .. code-block:: console $ pwd envoy/examples/udp $ docker-compose pull $ docker-compose up --build -d $ docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- udp_envoy-udp_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up 10000/tcp,>10000/udp,>10001/tcp udp_service-udp_1 python -u /udplistener.py Up 5005/tcp, 5005/udp Envoy should proxy ``UDP`` on port ``10000`` to an upstream server listening on port ``5005``. Envoy also provides an admin endpoint listening on port ``10001``. Step 2: Send some ``UDP`` messages ********************************** You can use ``netcat`` to send packets to the upstream server, proxied by Envoy: .. code-block:: console echo -n HELO | nc -4u -w1 10000 echo -n OLEH | nc -4u -w1 10000 Step 3: Check the logs of the upstream ``UDP`` listener server ************************************************************** Checking the logs of the upstream server you should see the packets that you sent: .. code-block:: console $ docker-compose logs service-udp Attaching to udp_service-udp_1 service-udp_1 | Listening on UDP port 5005 service-udp_1 | HELO service-udp_1 | OLEH Step 4: View the Envoy admin ``UDP`` stats ****************************************** You can view the ``UDP``-related stats provided by the Envoy admin endpoint. For example, to view the non-zero stats: .. code-block:: console $ curl -s | grep udp | grep -v "\: 0" cluster.service_udp.default.total_match_count: 1 cluster.service_udp.max_host_weight: 1 cluster.service_udp.membership_change: 1 cluster.service_udp.membership_healthy: 1 cluster.service_udp.membership_total: 1 cluster.service_udp.udp.sess_tx_datagrams: 2 cluster.service_udp.update_attempt: 1 cluster.service_udp.update_success: 1 cluster.service_udp.upstream_cx_tx_bytes_total: 8 udp.service.downstream_sess_active: 2 udp.service.downstream_sess_rx_bytes: 8 udp.service.downstream_sess_rx_datagrams: 2 udp.service.downstream_sess_total: 2 cluster.service_udp.upstream_cx_connect_ms: No recorded values cluster.service_udp.upstream_cx_length_ms: No recorded values