.. _install_sandboxes_tls: Transport layer security (``TLS``) ================================== .. sidebar:: Requirements .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup-link.rst :ref:`curl <start_sandboxes_setup_curl>` Used to make ``HTTP`` requests. :ref:`jq <start_sandboxes_setup_jq>` Parse ``json`` output from the upstream echo servers. This example walks through some of the ways that Envoy can be configured to make use of encrypted connections using ``HTTP`` over ``TLS``. It demonstrates a number of commonly used proxying and ``TLS`` termination patterns: - ``https`` -> ``http`` - ``https`` -> ``https`` - ``http`` -> ``https`` - ``https`` passthrough To better understand the provided examples, and for a description of how ``TLS`` is configured with Envoy, please see the :ref:`securing Envoy quick start guide <start_quick_start_securing>`. .. warning:: For the sake of simplicity, the examples provided here do not authenticate any client certificates, or validate any of the provided certificates. When using ``TLS``, you are strongly encouraged to :ref:`validate <start_quick_start_securing_validation>` all certificates wherever possible. You should also :ref:`authenticate clients <start_quick_start_securing_mtls>` where you control both sides of the connection, or relevant protocols are available. Step 1: Build the sandbox ************************* Change directory to ``examples/tls`` in the Envoy repository. This starts four proxies listening on ``localhost`` ports ``10000-10003``. It also starts two upstream services, one ``HTTP`` and one ``HTTPS``, which echo back received headers in ``json`` format. The upstream services listen on the internal Docker network on ports ``80`` and ``443`` respectively. .. code-block:: console $ pwd envoy/examples/tls $ docker compose pull $ docker compose up --build -d $ docker compose ps Name Command State Ports ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tls_proxy-https-to-http_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up>10000/tcp tls_proxy-https-to-https_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up>10000/tcp tls_proxy-http-to-https_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up>10000/tcp tls_proxy-https-passthrough_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up>10000/tcp tls_service-http_1 node ./index.js Up tls_service-https_1 node ./index.js Up Step 2: Test proxying ``https`` -> ``http`` ******************************************* The Envoy proxy listening on https://localhost:10000 terminates ``HTTPS`` and proxies to the upstream ``HTTP`` service. The :download:`https -> http configuration <_include/tls/envoy-https-http.yaml>` adds a ``TLS`` :ref:`transport_socket <extension_envoy.transport_sockets.tls>` to the :ref:`listener <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.listener.v3.Listener>`. Querying the service at port ``10000`` you should see an ``x-forwarded-proto`` header of ``https`` has been added: .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk https://localhost:10000 | jq -r '.headers["x-forwarded-proto"]' https The upstream ``service-http`` handles the request. .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk https://localhost:10000 | jq -r '.os.hostname' service-http Step 3: Test proxying ``https`` -> ``https`` ******************************************** The Envoy proxy listening on https://localhost:10001 terminates ``HTTPS`` and proxies to the upstream ``HTTPS`` service. The :download:`https -> https configuration <_include/tls/envoy-https-https.yaml>` adds a ``TLS`` :ref:`transport_socket <extension_envoy.transport_sockets.tls>` to both the :ref:`listener <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.listener.v3.Listener>` and the :ref:`cluster <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.cluster.v3.Cluster>`. Querying the service at port ``10001`` you should see an ``x-forwarded-proto`` header of ``https`` has been added: .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk https://localhost:10001 | jq -r '.headers["x-forwarded-proto"]' https The upstream ``service-https`` handles the request. .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk https://localhost:10001 | jq -r '.os.hostname' service-https Step 4: Test proxying ``http`` -> ``https`` ******************************************* The Envoy proxy listening on http://localhost:10002 terminates ``HTTP`` and proxies to the upstream ``HTTPS`` service. The :download:`http -> https configuration <_include/tls/envoy-http-https.yaml>` adds a ``TLS`` :ref:`transport_socket <extension_envoy.transport_sockets.tls>` to the :ref:`cluster <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.cluster.v3.Cluster>`. Querying the service at port ``10002`` you should see an ``x-forwarded-proto`` header of ``http`` has been added: .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:10002 | jq -r '.headers["x-forwarded-proto"]' http The upstream ``service-https`` handles the request. .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:10002 | jq -r '.os.hostname' service-https Step 5: Test proxying ``https`` passthrough ******************************************* The Envoy proxy listening on https://localhost:10003 proxies directly to the upstream ``HTTPS`` service which does the ``TLS`` termination. The :download:`https passthrough configuration <_include/tls/envoy-https-passthrough.yaml>` requires no ``TLS`` or ``HTTP`` setup, and instead uses a simple :ref:`tcp_proxy <envoy_v3_api_msg_extensions.filters.network.tcp_proxy.v3.TcpProxy>`. Querying the service at port ``10003`` you should see that no ``x-forwarded-proto`` header has been added: .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk https://localhost:10003 | jq -r '.headers["x-forwarded-proto"]' null The upstream ``service-https`` handles the request. .. code-block:: console $ curl -sk https://localhost:10003 | jq -r '.os.hostname' service-https .. seealso:: :ref:`Securing Envoy quick start guide <start_quick_start_securing>` Outline of key concepts for securing Envoy. :ref:`TLS SNI sandbox <install_sandboxes_tls_sni>` Example of using Envoy to serve multiple domains protected by TLS and served from the same ``IP`` address. :ref:`Double proxy sandbox <install_sandboxes_double_proxy>` An example of securing traffic between proxies with validation and mutual authentication using ``mTLS`` with non-``HTTP`` traffic.