.. _install_sandboxes_dynamic_config_cp: Dynamic configuration (control plane) ===================================== .. sidebar:: Requirements .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup-link.rst :ref:`curl ` Used to make ``HTTP`` requests. :ref:`jq ` Parse ``json`` output from the upstream echo servers. This example walks through configuring Envoy using the `Go Control Plane `_ reference implementation. It demonstrates how configuration provided to Envoy persists, even when the control plane is not available, and provides a trivial example of how to update Envoy's configuration dynamically. Step 1: Start the proxy container ********************************* Change directory to ``examples/dynamic-config-cp`` in the Envoy repository. First build the containers and start the ``proxy`` container. This should also start two upstream ``HTTP`` echo servers, ``service1`` and ``service2``. The control plane has not yet been started. .. code-block:: console $ pwd envoy/examples/dynamic-config-cp $ docker compose pull $ docker compose up --build -d proxy $ docker compose ps Name Command State Ports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dynamic-config-cp_proxy_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up>10000/tcp,>19000/tcp dynamic-config-cp_service1_1 /bin/echo-server Up 8080/tcp dynamic-config-cp_service2_1 /bin/echo-server Up 8080/tcp Step 2: Check initial config and web response ********************************************* As we have not yet started the control plane, nothing should be responding on port ``10000``. .. code-block:: console $ curl http://localhost:10000 curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer Dump the proxy's :ref:`static_clusters ` configuration and you should see the cluster named ``xds_cluster`` configured for the control plane: .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:19000/config_dump | jq '.configs[1].static_clusters' .. literalinclude:: /start/sandboxes/_include/dynamic-config-cp/_include/response-config-cluster.json :language: json :emphasize-lines: 10, 18-19 No :ref:`dynamic_active_clusters ` have been configured yet: .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:19000/config_dump | jq '.configs[1].dynamic_active_clusters' null Step 3: Start the control plane ******************************* Start up the ``go-control-plane`` service. You may need to wait a moment or two for it to become ``healthy``. .. code-block:: console $ docker compose up --build -d go-control-plane $ docker compose ps Name Command State Ports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dynamic-config-cp_go-control-plane_1 bin/example -debug Up (healthy) dynamic-config-cp_proxy_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up>10000/tcp,>19000/tcp dynamic-config-cp_service1_1 /bin/echo-server Up 8080/tcp dynamic-config-cp_service2_1 /bin/echo-server Up 8080/tcp Step 4: Query the proxy *********************** Once the control plane has started and is ``healthy``, you should be able to make a request to port ``10000``, which will be served by ``service1``. .. code-block:: console $ curl http://localhost:10000 Request served by service1 HTTP/1.1 GET / Host: localhost:10000 Accept: */* X-Forwarded-Proto: http X-Request-Id: 1d93050e-f39c-4602-90f8-a124d6e78d26 X-Envoy-Expected-Rq-Timeout-Ms: 15000 Content-Length: 0 User-Agent: curl/7.72.0 Step 5: Dump Envoy's ``dynamic_active_clusters`` config ******************************************************* If you now dump the proxy's :ref:`dynamic_active_clusters ` configuration, you should see it is configured with the ``example_proxy_cluster`` pointing to ``service1``, and a version of ``1``. .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:19000/config_dump | jq '.configs[1].dynamic_active_clusters' .. literalinclude:: /start/sandboxes/_include/dynamic-config-cp/_include/response-config-active-clusters.json :language: json :emphasize-lines: 3, 11, 19-20 Step 6: Stop the control plane ****************************** Stop the ``go-control-plane`` service: .. code-block:: console $ docker compose stop go-control-plane The Envoy proxy should continue proxying responses from ``service1``. .. code-block:: console $ curl http://localhost:10000 | grep "served by" Request served by service1 Step 7: Edit ``go`` file and restart the control plane ****************************************************** The example setup starts the ``go-control-plane`` service with a custom :download:`resource.go ` file which specifies the configuration provided to Envoy. Update this to have Envoy proxy instead to ``service2``. Edit ``resource.go`` in the dynamic configuration example folder and change the ``UpstreamHost`` from ``service1`` to ``service2``: .. literalinclude:: /start/sandboxes/_include/dynamic-config-cp/resource.go :language: go :lines: 34-43 :lineno-start: 35 :emphasize-lines: 6 :linenos: Further down in this file you must also change the configuration snapshot version number from ``"1"`` to ``"2"`` to ensure Envoy sees the configuration as newer: .. literalinclude:: /start/sandboxes/_include/dynamic-config-cp/resource.go :language: go :lineno-start: 175 :lines: 174-186 :emphasize-lines: 3 :linenos: Now rebuild and restart the control plane: .. code-block:: console $ docker compose up --build -d go-control-plane You may need to wait a moment or two for the ``go-control-plane`` service to become ``healthy`` again. Step 8: Check Envoy uses the updated configuration ************************************************** Now when you make a request to the proxy it should be served by the ``service2`` upstream service. .. code-block:: console $ curl http://localhost:10000 | grep "served by" Request served by service2 Dumping the :ref:`dynamic_active_clusters ` you should see the cluster configuration now has a version of ``2``, and ``example_proxy_cluster`` is configured to proxy to ``service2``: .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:19000/config_dump | jq '.configs[1].dynamic_active_clusters' .. literalinclude:: /start/sandboxes/_include/dynamic-config-cp/_include/response-config-active-clusters-updated.json :language: json :emphasize-lines: 3, 11, 19-20 .. note:: In this example we increment the version for simplicity. Any change to the version will trigger an update in Envoy, and ordering is not significant (see :ref:`xDS protocol docs for further information about updates `). .. seealso:: :ref:`Dynamic configuration (control plane) quick start guide ` Quick start guide to dynamic configuration of Envoy with a control plane. :ref:`Envoy admin quick start guide ` Quick start guide to the Envoy admin interface. :ref:`Dynamic configuration (filesystem) sandbox ` Configure Envoy using filesystem-based dynamic configuration. `Go control plane `_ Reference implementation of Envoy control plane written in ``go``.