
The HTTP connection manager supports the following runtime settings:


% of requests that will have path normalization applied if not already configured in normalize_path. This is evaluated at configuration load time and will apply to all requests for a given configuration.


% of requests that will be force traced if the x-client-trace-id header is set. Defaults to 100.


% of requests that will be traced after all other checks have been applied (force tracing, sampling, etc.). Defaults to 100.


% of requests that will be randomly traced. See here for more information. Defaults to 100.


Overrides Envoy’s default action taken when the path_with_escaped_slashes_action. was not specified or set to the IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC_DEFAULT value. Possible values:

  • 2 sets action to the REJECT_REQUEST.

  • 3 sets action to the UNESCAPE_AND_REDIRECT.

  • 4 sets action to the UNESCAPE_AND_FORWARD.

  • all other values set the action to KEEP_UNCHANGED.


% of requests that will be subject to the path_with_escaped_slashes_action. action. For all other requests the KEEP_UNCHANGED action will be applied. Defaults to 100.