.. _version_history_1.17.3:

1.17.3 (May 11, 2021)

New features

* **http**: added the ability to :ref:`unescape slash sequences
  in the path. Requests with unescaped slashes can be proxied, rejected or redirected to the new unescaped path. By
  default this feature is disabled. The default behavior can be overridden through
  <v1.17:config_http_conn_man_runtime_path_with_escaped_slashes_action>` runtime variable. This action can be selectively
  enabled for a portion of requests by setting the :ref:`http_connection_manager.path_with_escaped_slashes_action_sampling
  <v1.17:config_http_conn_man_runtime_path_with_escaped_slashes_action_enabled>` runtime variable.