.. _version_history_1.16.3: 1.16.3 (April 15, 2021) ======================== Bug fixes --------- *Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects* * **aggregate cluster**: fixed a crash due to a TLS initialization issue. * **http**: fixed a crash upon receiving empty HTTP/2 metadata frames. Received empty metadata frames are now counted in the HTTP/2 codec stat :ref:`metadata_empty_frames <v1.16:config_http_conn_man_stats_per_codec>`. * **http**: fixed a remotely exploitable integer overflow via a very large grpc-timeout value causes undefined behavior. * **http**: reverting a behavioral change where upstream connect timeouts were temporarily treated differently from other connection failures. The change back to the original behavior can be temporarily reverted by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.treat_upstream_connect_timeout_as_connect_failure`` to false. * **lua**: fixed crash when Lua script contains ``streamInfo():downstreamSslConnection()``. * **overload**: fix a bug that can cause use-after-free when one scaled timer disables another one with the same duration. * **tls**: fix a crash when peer sends a TLS Alert with an unknown code. * **tls**: fix detection of the upstream connection close event.