1.30.6 (September 19, 2024)

Incompatible behavior changes

Changes that are expected to cause an incompatibility if applicable; deployment changes are likely required

  • http: The default configuration of Envoy will continue to trust internal addresses while in the future it will not trust them by default. If you have tooling such as probes on your private network which need to be treated as trusted (e.g. changing arbitrary x-envoy headers) please explictily include those addresses or CIDR ranges into internal_address_config See the config examples from the above internal_address_config link. This default no trust internal address can be turned on by setting runtime guard envoy.reloadable_features.explicit_internal_address_config to true.

Minor behavior changes

Changes that may cause incompatibilities for some users, but should not for most

  • access_log: Sanitize SNI for potential log injection. The invalid character will be replaced by _ with an invalid: marker. If runtime flag envoy.reloadable_features.sanitize_sni_in_access_log is set to false, the sanitize behavior is disabled.

Bug fixes

Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects

  • http_async_client: Fixed the local reply and destroy order crashes when using the http async client for websocket handshake.

  • jwt: Fixed a bug where using clear_route_cache with remote JWKs works incorrectly and may cause a crash when the modified request does not match any route.