.. _envoy_v3_api_file_envoy/extensions/formatter/metadata/v3/metadata.proto: Formatter extension for printing various types of metadata (proto) ================================================================== .. _extension_envoy.formatter.metadata: This extension has the qualified name ``envoy.formatter.metadata`` .. note:: This extension is functional but has not had substantial production burn time, use only with this caveat. This extension is intended to be robust against both untrusted downstream and upstream traffic. .. tip:: This extension extends and can be used with the following extension category: - :ref:`envoy.formatter ` This extension must be configured with one of the following type URLs: - :ref:`type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.formatter.metadata.v3.Metadata ` Metadata formatter extension implements METADATA command operator that prints all types of metadata. The first parameter taken by METADATA operator defines type of metadata. The following types of metadata are supported (case sensitive): * DYNAMIC * CLUSTER * ROUTE * UPSTREAM_HOST * LISTENER * VIRTUAL_HOST See :ref:`here ` for more information on access log configuration. %METADATA(TYPE:NAMESPACE:KEY):Z% :ref:`Metadata ` info, where TYPE is type of metadata (see above for supported types), NAMESPACE is the filter namespace used when setting the metadata, KEY is an optional lookup key in the namespace with the option of specifying nested keys separated by ':', and Z is an optional parameter denoting string truncation up to Z characters long. The data will be logged as a JSON string. For example, for the following ROUTE metadata: ``com.test.my_filter: {"test_key": "foo", "test_object": {"inner_key": "bar"}}`` * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter)% will log: ``{"test_key": "foo", "test_object": {"inner_key": "bar"}}`` * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:test_key)% will log: ``foo`` * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:test_object)% will log: ``{"inner_key": "bar"}`` * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:test_object:inner_key)% will log: ``bar`` * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.unknown_filter)% will log: ``-`` * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:unknown_key)% will log: ``-`` * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter):25% will log (truncation at 25 characters): ``{"test_key": "foo", "test`` .. note:: For typed JSON logs, this operator renders a single value with string, numeric, or boolean type when the referenced key is a simple value. If the referenced key is a struct or list value, a JSON struct or list is rendered. Structs and lists may be nested. In any event, the maximum length is ignored. .. note:: METADATA(DYNAMIC:NAMESPACE:KEY):Z is equivalent to :ref:`DYNAMIC_METADATA(NAMESPACE:KEY):Z` METADATA(CLUSTER:NAMESPACE:KEY):Z is equivalent to :ref:`CLUSTER_METADATA(NAMESPACE:KEY):Z` METADATA(UPSTREAM_HOST:NAMESPACE:KEY):Z is equivalent to :ref:`UPSTREAM_METADATA(NAMESPACE:KEY):Z` .. _envoy_v3_api_msg_extensions.formatter.metadata.v3.Metadata: extensions.formatter.metadata.v3.Metadata ----------------------------------------- :repo:`[extensions.formatter.metadata.v3.Metadata proto] `