.. _start_quick_start_run_envoy: Run Envoy ========= The following instructions walk through starting Envoy as a system daemon or using the Envoy Docker image. .. _start_quick_start_version: Check your Envoy version ------------------------ Once you have :ref:`installed Envoy `, you can check the version information as follows: .. tabs:: .. tab:: System .. code-block:: console $ envoy --version ... .. tab:: Docker (Linux Image) .. substitution-code-block:: console $ docker run --rm \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| \ --version ... .. _start_quick_start_help: View the Envoy command line options ----------------------------------- You can view the Envoy :ref:`command line options ` with the ``--help`` flag: .. tabs:: .. tab:: System .. code-block:: console $ envoy --help ... .. tab:: Docker (Linux Image) .. substitution-code-block:: console $ docker run --rm \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| \ --help ... .. _start_quick_start_config: Run Envoy with the demo configuration ------------------------------------- The ``-c`` or ``--config-path`` flag tells Envoy the path to its initial configuration. Envoy will parse the config file according to the file extension, please see the :option:`config path command line option <-c>` for further information. .. tabs:: .. tab:: System To start Envoy as a system daemon :download:`download the demo configuration <_include/envoy-demo.yaml>`, and start as follows: .. code-block:: console $ envoy -c envoy-demo.yaml ... .. tab:: Docker (Linux Image) You can start the Envoy Docker image without specifying a configuration file, and it will use the demo config by default. .. substitution-code-block:: console $ docker run --rm -it \ -p 9901:9901 \ -p 10000:10000 \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| ... To specify a custom configuration you can mount the config into the container, and specify the path with ``-c``. Assuming you have a custom configuration in the current directory named ``envoy-custom.yaml``: .. substitution-code-block:: console $ docker run --rm -it \ -v $(pwd)/envoy-custom.yaml:/envoy-custom.yaml \ -p 9901:9901 \ -p 10000:10000 \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| \ -c /envoy-custom.yaml ... Check Envoy is proxying on http://localhost:10000. .. code-block:: console $ curl -v localhost:10000 ... You can exit the server with ``Ctrl-c``. See the :ref:`admin quick start guide ` for more information about the Envoy admin interface. .. _start_quick_start_override: Override the default configuration ---------------------------------- You can provide an override configuration using :option:`--config-yaml` which will merge with the main configuration. This option can only be specified once. Save the following snippet to ``envoy-override.yaml``: .. code-block:: yaml admin: address: socket_address: address: port_value: 9902 .. warning:: If you run Envoy inside a Docker container you may wish to use ````. Exposing the admin interface in this way may give unintended control of your Envoy server. Please see the :ref:`admin section ` for more information. Next, start the Envoy server using the override configuration: .. tabs:: .. tab:: System On Linux/Mac: run: .. code-block:: console $ envoy -c envoy-demo.yaml --config-yaml "$(cat envoy-override.yaml)" ... On Windows run: .. include:: ../../_include/windows_support_ended.rst .. code-block:: powershell $ envoy -c envoy-demo.yaml --config-yaml "$(Get-Content -Raw envoy-override.yaml)" ... .. tab:: Docker (Linux Image) .. substitution-code-block:: console $ docker run --rm -it \ -p 9902:9902 \ -p 10000:10000 \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| \ -c /etc/envoy/envoy.yaml \ --config-yaml "$(cat envoy-override.yaml)" ... The Envoy admin interface should now be available on http://localhost:9902. .. code-block:: console $ curl -v localhost:9902 ... .. note:: When merging ``yaml`` lists (e.g. :ref:`listeners ` or :ref:`clusters `) the merged configurations are appended. You cannot therefore use an override file to change the configurations of previously specified :ref:`listeners ` or :ref:`clusters ` Validating your Envoy configuration ----------------------------------- You can start Envoy in :option:`validate mode <--mode>`. This allows you to check that Envoy is able to start with your configuration, without actually starting or restarting the service, or making any network connections. If the configuration is valid the process will print ``OK`` and exit with a return code of ``0``. For invalid configuration the process will print the errors and exit with ``1``. .. tabs:: .. tab:: System .. code-block:: console $ envoy --mode validate -c my-envoy-config.yaml [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][main] [source/server/server.cc:583] runtime: layers: - name: base static_layer: {} - name: admin admin_layer: {} [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:95] loading tracing configuration [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:70] loading 0 static secret(s) [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:76] loading 1 cluster(s) [2020-11-08 12:36:06.546][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:80] loading 1 listener(s) [2020-11-08 12:36:06.549][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:121] loading stats sink configuration configuration 'my-envoy-config.yaml' OK .. tab:: Docker (Linux Image) .. substitution-code-block:: console $ docker run --rm \ -v $(pwd)/my-envoy-config.yaml:/my-envoy-config.yaml \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| \ --mode validate \ -c my-envoy-config.yaml [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][main] [source/server/server.cc:583] runtime: layers: - name: base static_layer: {} - name: admin admin_layer: {} [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:95] loading tracing configuration [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:70] loading 0 static secret(s) [2020-11-08 12:36:06.543][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:76] loading 1 cluster(s) [2020-11-08 12:36:06.546][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:80] loading 1 listener(s) [2020-11-08 12:36:06.549][11][info][config] [source/server/configuration_impl.cc:121] loading stats sink configuration configuration 'my-envoy-config.yaml' OK Envoy logging ------------- By default Envoy system logs are sent to ``/dev/stderr``. This can be overridden using :option:`--log-path`. .. tabs:: .. tab:: System .. code-block:: console $ mkdir logs $ envoy -c envoy-demo.yaml --log-path logs/custom.log .. tab:: Docker (Linux Image) .. substitution-code-block:: console $ mkdir logs $ chmod go+rwx logs/ $ docker run --rm -it \ -p 10000:10000 \ -v $(pwd)/logs:/logs \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| \ -c /etc/envoy/envoy.yaml \ --log-path logs/custom.log :ref:`Access log ` paths can be set for the :ref:`admin interface `, and for configured :ref:`listeners `. The :download:`demo configuration <_include/envoy-demo.yaml>` is configured with a :ref:`listener ` that logs access to ``/dev/stdout``: .. literalinclude:: _include/envoy-demo.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-start: 12 :lines: 12-22 :emphasize-lines: 4-7 The default configuration in the Envoy Docker container also logs access in this way. Logging to ``/dev/stderr`` and ``/dev/stdout`` for system and access logs respectively can be useful when running Envoy inside a container as the streams can be separated, and logging requires no additional files or directories to be mounted. Some Envoy :ref:`filters and extensions ` may also have additional logging capabilities. Envoy can be configured to log to :ref:`different formats `, and to :ref:`different outputs ` in addition to files and ``stdout/err``. Envoy networking ---------------- By default Envoy can use both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. If your environment does not support IPv6 you should disable it. This may be the case when using Docker on a non-linux host (see here for more information regarding `IPv6 support in Docker `_). You can disable IPv6 by setting the ``dns_lookup_family`` to ``V4_ONLY`` in your configuration as follows: .. literalinclude:: _include/envoy-demo.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: :lineno-start: 34 :lines: 34-46 :emphasize-lines: 5 :caption: :download:`envoy-demo.yaml <_include/envoy-demo.yaml>` Debugging Envoy --------------- The log level for Envoy system logs can be set using the :option:`-l or --log-level <--log-level>` option. The available log levels are: - ``trace`` - ``debug`` - ``info`` - ``warning/warn`` - ``error`` - ``critical`` - ``off`` The default is ``info``. You can also set the log level for specific components using the :option:`--component-log-level` option. The following example inhibits all logging except for the ``upstream`` and ``connection`` components, which are set to ``debug`` and ``trace`` respectively. .. tabs:: .. tab:: System .. code-block:: console $ envoy -c envoy-demo.yaml -l off --component-log-level upstream:debug,connection:trace ... .. tab:: Docker (Linux Image) .. substitution-code-block:: console $ docker run --rm -d \ -p 9901:9901 \ -p 10000:10000 \ envoyproxy/|envoy_docker_image| \ -c /etc/envoy/envoy.yaml \ -l off \ --component-log-level upstream:debug,connection:trace ... .. tip:: See ``ALL_LOGGER_IDS`` in :repo:`logger.h ` for a list of components.