xds/data/orca/v3/orca_load_report.proto (proto)

See section ORCA load report format of the design document in https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/6614.


[.xds.data.orca.v3.OrcaLoadReport proto]

  "cpu_utilization": ...,
  "mem_utilization": ...,
  "rps": ...,
  "request_cost": {...},
  "utilization": {...},
  "rps_fractional": ...,
  "eps": ...,
  "named_metrics": {...},
  "application_utilization": ...

(double) CPU utilization expressed as a fraction of available CPU resources. This should be derived from the latest sample or measurement. The value may be larger than 1.0 when the usage exceeds the reporter dependent notion of soft limits.


(double) Memory utilization expressed as a fraction of available memory resources. This should be derived from the latest sample or measurement.


(uint64) Total RPS being served by an endpoint. This should cover all services that an endpoint is responsible for. Deprecated – use rps_fractional field instead.


(repeated map<string, double>) Application specific requests costs. Each value is an absolute cost (e.g. 3487 bytes of storage) associated with the request.


(repeated map<string, double>) Resource utilization values. Each value is expressed as a fraction of total resources available, derived from the latest sample or measurement.


(double) Total RPS being served by an endpoint. This should cover all services that an endpoint is responsible for.


(double) Total EPS (errors/second) being served by an endpoint. This should cover all services that an endpoint is responsible for.


(repeated map<string, double>) Application specific opaque metrics.


(double) Application specific utilization expressed as a fraction of available resources. For example, an application may report the max of CPU and memory utilization for better load balancing if it is both CPU and memory bound. This should be derived from the latest sample or measurement. The value may be larger than 1.0 when the usage exceeds the reporter dependent notion of soft limits.