.. _config_http_cluster_specifier_lua:
Lua cluster specifier
The HTTP Lua cluster specifier allows `Lua `_ scripts to select a router cluster
during the request flow.
.. note::
`LuaJIT `_ is used as the runtime.
This means that the currently supported Lua version is mostly 5.1 with some 5.2 features.
See the `LuaJIT documentation `_ for more details.
* This filter should be configured with the type URL ``type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.router.cluster_specifiers.lua.v3.LuaConfig``.
* :ref:`v3 API reference `
A simple example configuration of a Lua cluster:
.. literalinclude:: /start/sandboxes/_include/lua-cluster-specifier/envoy.yaml
:language: yaml
:lines: 22-40
:emphasize-lines: 3-17
:caption: :download:`lua-cluster-specifier.yaml `
The Lua script defined in
:ref:`source_code `
will be executed to select the routed cluster.
It can also select a cluster based on matched request headers.
If execution of the Lua script results in failure, the
:ref:`default_cluster `
will be used.
Complete example
A complete example using Docker is available in the :ref:`Lua cluster specifier sandbox `.
Route handle API
When Envoy loads the script in the configuration, it looks for a global function defined by the script:
.. code-block:: lua
function envoy_on_route(route_handle)
Following the route path, Envoy will run ``envoy_on_route`` as a coroutine, passing a handle to the route API.
The following method on the stream handle is supported:
.. code-block:: lua
local headers = route_handle:headers()
Returns the stream's headers. The headers can be used to select a specific cluster.
Returns a :ref:`header object `.
.. code-block:: lua
local cluster = route_header:getCluster('my_cluster')
Returns a :ref:`handle ` to the specified cluster, or nil if it isn't found.
.. include:: ../../../_include/lua_common.rst
.. _config_lua_cluster_specifier_header_wrapper:
Header object API
.. code-block:: lua
This method gets a header.
``key`` is a string that specifies the header key.
Returns either a string containing the header value, or ``nil`` if the header does not exist.
If there are multiple headers in the same case-insensitive key, their values will be concatenated to a string separated by ``,``.
.. include:: ../../../_include/lua_common.rst
.. _config_lua_cluster_specifier_cluster:
Cluster API
.. code-block:: lua
This method gets the current number of connections for this cluster.
.. code-block:: lua
This method gets the current number of requests for this cluster.
.. code-block:: lua
This method gets the current number of pending requests for this cluster.
.. include:: ../../../_include/lua_common.rst