.. _install_sandboxes_postgres: PostgreSQL filter ================= .. sidebar:: Requirements .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup-link.rst :ref:`curl ` Used to make ``HTTP`` requests. In this example, we show how the :ref:`PostgreSQL filter ` can be used with the Envoy proxy. The Envoy proxy configuration includes a PostgreSQL filter that parses queries and collects Postgres-specific metrics. Step 1: Build the sandbox ************************* Change to the ``examples/postgres`` directory. Build and start the containers. .. code-block:: console $ pwd envoy/examples/postgres $ docker compose pull $ docker compose up --build -d $ docker compose ps Name Command State Ports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- postgres_postgres_1 docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up 5432/tcp postgres_proxy_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up 10000/tcp, 1999/tcp,>8001/tcp Step 2: Issue commands using psql ********************************* This example uses ``psql`` client inside a container to issue some commands and verify they are routed via Envoy. Note that we should set the environment variable ``PGSSLMODE=disable`` to disable ``SSL`` because the current implementation of the filter can't decode encrypted sessions. .. code-block:: console $ docker run --rm -it --network postgres_default -e PGSSLMODE=disable postgres:latest psql -U postgres -h proxy -p 1999 ... snip ... postgres=# CREATE DATABASE testdb; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# \c testdb You are now connected to database "testdb" as user "postgres". testdb=# CREATE TABLE tbl ( f SERIAL PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE testdb=# INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (DEFAULT); INSERT 0 1 testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl; f --- 1 (1 row) testdb=# UPDATE tbl SET f = 2 WHERE f = 1; UPDATE 1 testdb=# INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (DEFAULT); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tbl_pkey" DETAIL: Key (f)=(2) already exists. testdb=# DELETE FROM tbl; DELETE 1 testdb=# INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (DEFAULT); INSERT 0 1 testdb=# \q Step 3: Check egress stats ************************** Check egress stats were updated. .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:8001/stats?filter=egress_postgres postgres.egress_postgres.errors: 1 postgres.egress_postgres.errors_error: 1 postgres.egress_postgres.errors_fatal: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.errors_panic: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.errors_unknown: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.messages: 42 postgres.egress_postgres.messages_backend: 32 postgres.egress_postgres.messages_frontend: 10 postgres.egress_postgres.messages_unknown: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.notices: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.notices_debug: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.notices_info: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.notices_log: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.notices_notice: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.notices_unknown: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.notices_warning: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.sessions: 1 postgres.egress_postgres.sessions_encrypted: 0 postgres.egress_postgres.sessions_unencrypted: 1 postgres.egress_postgres.statements: 7 postgres.egress_postgres.statements_delete: 1 postgres.egress_postgres.statements_insert: 2 postgres.egress_postgres.statements_other: 2 postgres.egress_postgres.statements_parse_error: 4 postgres.egress_postgres.statements_parsed: 4 postgres.egress_postgres.statements_select: 1 postgres.egress_postgres.statements_update: 1 postgres.egress_postgres.transactions: 7 postgres.egress_postgres.transactions_commit: 7 postgres.egress_postgres.transactions_rollback: 0 Step 4: Check TCP stats *********************** Check TCP stats were updated. .. code-block:: console $ curl -s http://localhost:8001/stats?filter=postgres_tcp tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_no_route: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_rx_bytes_total: 373 tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_total: 1 tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_cx_tx_bytes_total: 728 tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.idle_timeout: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.max_downstream_connection_duration: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.upstream_flush_active: 0 tcp.postgres_tcp.upstream_flush_total: 0 .. seealso:: :ref:`Envoy PostgreSQL filter ` Learn more about using the Envoy PostgreSQL filter. :ref:`Envoy admin quick start guide ` Quick start guide to the Envoy admin interface. `PostgreSQL `_ The PostgreSQL database.