Administration interface

Envoy exposes a local administration interface that can be used to query and modify different aspects of the server:


The administration interface in its current form both allows destructive operations to be performed (e.g., shutting down the server) as well as potentially exposes private information (e.g., stats, cluster names, cert info, etc.). It is critical that access to the administration interface is only allowed via a secure network. It is also critical that hosts that access the administration interface are only attached to the secure network (i.e., to avoid CSRF attacks). This involves setting up an appropriate firewall or optimally only allowing access to the administration listener via localhost. This can be accomplished with a v2 configuration like the following:

  access_log_path: /tmp/admin_access.log
    socket_address: { address:, port_value: 9901 }

In the future additional security options will be added to the administration interface. This work is tracked in this issue.


Render an HTML home page with a table of links to all available options.

GET /help

Print a textual table of all available options.

GET /certs

List out all loaded TLS certificates, including file name, serial number, and days until expiration.

GET /clusters

List out all configured cluster manager clusters. This information includes all discovered upstream hosts in each cluster along with per host statistics. This is useful for debugging service discovery issues.

Cluster manager information
  • version_info string – the version info string of the last loaded CDS update. If envoy does not have CDS setup, the output will read version_info::static.
Cluster wide information
Per host statistics
Name Type Description
cx_total Counter Total connections
cx_active Gauge Total active connections
cx_connect_fail Counter Total connection failures
rq_total Counter Total requests
rq_timeout Counter Total timed out requests
rq_success Counter Total requests with non-5xx responses
rq_error Counter Total requests with 5xx responses
rq_active Gauge Total active requests
healthy String The health status of the host. See below
weight Integer Load balancing weight (1-100)
zone String Service zone
canary Boolean Whether the host is a canary
success_rate Double Request success rate (0-100). -1 if there was not enough request volume in the interval to calculate it
Host health status

A host is either healthy or unhealthy because of one or more different failing health states. If the host is healthy the healthy output will be equal to healthy.

If the host is not healthy, the healthy output will be composed of one or more of the following strings:

/failed_active_hc: The host has failed an active health check.

/failed_outlier_check: The host has failed an outlier detection check.

GET /cpuprofiler

Enable or disable the CPU profiler. Requires compiling with gperftools.

GET /healthcheck/fail

Fail inbound health checks. This requires the use of the HTTP health check filter. This is useful for draining a server prior to shutting it down or doing a full restart. Invoking this command will universally fail health check requests regardless of how the filter is configured (pass through, etc.).

GET /healthcheck/ok

Negate the effect of GET /healthcheck/fail. This requires the use of the HTTP health check filter.

GET /hot_restart_version

See --hot-restart-version.

GET /logging

Enable/disable different logging levels on different subcomponents. Generally only used during development.

GET /quitquitquit

Cleanly exit the server.

GET /reset_counters

Reset all counters to zero. This is useful along with GET /stats during debugging. Note that this does not drop any data sent to statsd. It just effects local output of the GET /stats command.

GET /routes?route_config_name=<name>

This endpoint is only available if envoy has HTTP routes configured via RDS. The endpoint dumps all the configured HTTP route tables, or only ones that match the route_config_name query, if a query is specified.

GET /server_info

Outputs information about the running server. Sample output looks like:

envoy 267724/RELEASE live 1571 1571 0

The fields are:

  • Process name
  • Compiled SHA and build type
  • Health check state (live or draining)
  • Current hot restart epoch uptime in seconds
  • Total uptime in seconds (across all hot restarts)
  • Current hot restart epoch
GET /stats

Outputs all statistics on demand. This includes only counters and gauges. Histograms are not output as Envoy currently has no built in histogram support and relies on statsd for aggregation. This command is very useful for local debugging. See here for more information.

GET /stats?format=json

Outputs /stats in JSON format. This can be used for programmatic access of stats.

GET /stats?format=prometheus

Outputs /stats in Prometheus v0.0.4 format. This can be used to integrate with a Prometheus server. Currently, only counters and gauges are output. Histograms will be output in a future update.

GET /runtime

Outputs all runtime values on demand in a human-readable format. See here for more information on how these values are configured and utilized.

GET /runtime?format=json

Outputs /runtime in JSON format. This can be used for programmatic access of runtime values.